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Practice support worker Ellen van Klinken

I am Ellen van Klinken 55 years old, born and raised in Amstelveen. I am married to Bert and live with our 3 daughters and 2 dogs in Waardhuizen. After various jobs in care

After studying HBO nursing, I started working in the VU. Then made the switch to paediatric nurse at Wilhemina Children's Hospital in Utrecht. After more than 12 years, I started working as a volunteer coordinator in a hospice. I cared for children as a nurse on call until 2020.

In 2022, I joined the general practice as a POH-somatics for internship and from November 2023 after completing the training, I started working in this position. 

The job as a POH (practice nurse) focuses on preventing the onset of diseases by working with the patient to see what lifestyle and adjustments would be appropriate for that person. In addition, preventing complications of diseases such as Diabetes or cardiovascular problems. Regular checks and appointments make it possible to match this care to patients. If one cannot come to the practice due to circumstances, it is possible to make an appointment for the POH to come to your home.

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Patient questionnaire general practice

For quality improvement, we would like to gain more insight into how our practice is performing. Your opinion is very important here, as you can judge certain aspects well.

We therefore ask you to a short questionnaire fill in. This is done completely anonymously and takes about 5 to 10 minutes. Do you have any questions? If so, please contact the assistant.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
