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Pain at the bottom of your back? Try to keep working.

Pain in the lower back is common. Do you do work that is hard on your body? Then you may suffer more from back pain. For example, if you have to do a lot of lifting, twisting or bending.

Try to keep working

Your employer and the company doctor can work with you to see what can be done differently. Then it often manages to keep working and you don't have to call in sick. Usually, the pain at the base of your back will subside on its own.

Reporting sick with pain in lower back

Sometimes you still have to call in sick. Then your employer and the company doctor will help you get back to work. And to make it less likely that the back pain will return.

Source: Home

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Patient questionnaire general practice

For quality improvement, we would like to gain more insight into how our practice is performing. Your opinion is very important here, as you can judge certain aspects well.

We therefore ask you to a short questionnaire fill in. This is done completely anonymously and takes about 5 to 10 minutes. Do you have any questions? If so, please contact the assistant.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
