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Flu shot invitation

Soon, all eligible patients will receive the annual call for the flu shot. The puncture day is on Saturday 9 November at the practice. You are requested to come at the times mentioned in the letter.

Also, everyone born in 1961, 1962, 1963 or 1964 will be called for the pneumococcal shot. This shot will be given on Thursday, 7 November, possibly in combination with the flu shot.

Don't forget to bring the letter with you when you come to get the prick?

More information

More information on the flu and pneumococcal shot can be found at:

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Patient questionnaire general practice

For quality improvement, we would like to gain more insight into how our practice is performing. Your opinion is very important here, as you can judge certain aspects well.

We therefore ask you to a short questionnaire fill in. This is done completely anonymously and takes about 5 to 10 minutes. Do you have any questions? If so, please contact the assistant.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
